Alternative Medicine includes different types of complementary medicines.
Traditional Medicine includes Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Chinese or Oriental medicine, Acupuncture. And Homeopathy.
Veterinary Medicine branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders and diseases.
Urology branch of medicine which deals with surgical and medical diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases.
Surgery is a branch of medical science concerned with disorders and injuries.
Rheumatology branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders related to joints.
Radiology is the diagnosis and treatment of diseases through imaging techniques such as ultrasound, nuclear medicine.
Pulmonology is a branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of respiratory tract disorders.
Psychiatry is a branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental disorders.
Pediatrics is a branch of medicine which deals with medical treatment of children.
Otolaryngology is a branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis and surgical treatment ear, nose, throat.
Orthopedics is a branch of medicine which deals with prevention of disorders, deformities.
Oncology is a branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer.
Gynecology and Reproductive Health includes unique health issues of women.
Obesity is a condition of too much body fat with a negative impact on individual health.
Nursing is a health care sector focused on individual care of all ages, families, communities and groups.