Title: Deregulated Signalling of Microtubule Dynamics within Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived from a Huntington’s disease Patient
Dr. Akanksha Baharani is a scientist with a strong record of
accomplishment and project completion in Neuroscience, Oncology, Diabetes, and
Science Education. She has completed her doctoral degree from the University of
Saskatchewan, Canada. Over the last 10+years, she has demonstrated expertise in
Neurobiology, Bioinformatics, and Molecular Biology through 7 research
publications, 50+ scientific presentations, and 7+ teaching appointments.
Akanksha has been awarded $200,000 CAD in external research funding, $50,000+
CAD in academic scholarships and $10,000+ CAD in travel awards to present at
scientific conferences. Her background in clinical and pre-clinical research
has helped to carry out and fund independent and collaborative projects that
promote human health. Akanksha’s greatest passion in life is to filter complex
scientific concepts and technologies to disseminate among stakeholders in
medicine as a Medical Affairs professional.