
Dana Smith Mauro

National Ataxia Foundation, USA

Dana Smith Mauro

National Ataxia Foundation, USA

Title: Maximize your doctor visits strategies to include before your next doctor visit to maximize your appointment time

A curious, knowledgeable wife to someone living with two rare diseases – Ataxia and Mitochondrial Disease. Since 2005, her mission has been to share reputable Ataxia information in short, simple, digestible servings. She launched a video series called ‘Did You Know Ataxia Facts’ in 2014 that has reached thousands across 17 countries via YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. She was also the first to author four PSA’s about Ataxia for the National Ataxia Foundation. Her professional experience includes Senior Learning and Development Specialist, Corporate Trainer, and currently, Learning Technology Specialist.  As a member of the New England Ataxia Chapter, which encompasses four support groups, she has eleven years’ experience coordinating Ataxia fundraising events, and five years of participation in the Boston Abilities Expo. Most recently she joined the awareness efforts of the Ataxia Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston for Ataxia Education