Green Cities & Transportation 2022

Urbanization is changing global structure tremendously as rural-to-urban migration increases. Over the next 30 years, the majority of the world's population is projected to live in cities, which has a profound impact on people's lives on many levels. Urban development and transportation are strongly interconnected. Transport has become an essential part of daily life in this modern world. Development in economics and society relies heavily on transport. Connecting people to jobs, education, health care, and each other is a vital part of both transportation and urban infrastructure. However, due to the increasing consumption of energy and air pollution, city management is considering the concept of green cities.


Today, humanity is facing various global challenges such as climate change, rapid urbanization, degrading forest covers, rising sea levels, accelerated consumption, resource reduction, and an imbalance of social-economic development which can be challenging to achieve sustainable development.


 Singapore is one of the World's widest opponents of building and ecological urban planning. It has made some strategic efforts to make it an eco-sensitive city. The city is based on a very good new town model and has many restrictions to deter car use (see toll pricing and tax on vehicles). Singapore stands out to be an example of liveability, vibrant communities, well-designed and maintained infrastructure, and also the best transport networking systems like public transits. It has significantly achieved over 80% public transit for all journeys. They incorporated many digital tools and transformation strategies within their business which can be good case studies for other cities. However, their vision and management strengths offer a lot to the participants.