conference highlights

Different types of Rare Diseases

A rare disease is defined as a condition that affects less than 200,000 people. Most of the rare diseases are genetic

Rare Infectious Diseases and Immune Deficiencies

Many rare diseases/orphan diseases caused by infectious agents rather than genetic or environmental factors

Rare Genetic Diseases/Disorders

A genetic disorder is a health problem caused by one or more abnormalities in the genome. It can be caused by a mutation

Mystery Diagnosis of Rare Diseases

Diagnostic error in medicine is prevalent. For example, a study from an intensive care unit demonstrated nearly 20%

Challenges in Rare Diseases Treatment

There are approximately 7,000 rare diseases, which from a regulatory outlook are defined as those diseases where there

Rare Skin Diseases

Millions of people live with at least one skin condition. Skin diseases affect one in four Americans

Orphan Drugs- development trends and strategies

The advancement of Pharma Industries has eased back as of late due to numerous reasons such as patent generic

Clinical Research on Orphan Drugs

A clinical preliminary is a therapeutic report led to test the impacts of another or effectively existing medication

Rare Diseases in Children

Most of the rare diseases appear in early stage of life, about 30% of children with rare diseases will die before

Orphan Drugs and Ethical Issues

This track plots the ethical quandary of funding orphan drug research and development. Until this point in time

Rare Diseases in Cancer

Rare cancers caused by simple genetic mutations and common cancers tend to be caused by a complex set of genetic

Case reports on Rare Diseases

According to Medicine: A case report is a definite report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up