Acupuncture 2020 proceedings include workshops and symposiums, plenary talks, keynote speeches, poster sessions and panel discussion on latest research developments in the field of Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine. Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a major component of Traditional Chinese Medicine which includes embeddings needles into the body at acupuncture points, acupuncture as an effective treatment for over many medical problems, including respiratory conditions allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, gynaecological problems, nervous conditions and also has been used in the treatment of substance abuse and as relief for fatigue in cancer patients due to chemotherapy and other therapies.
Acupuncture in Modern era
Some of the new practices were adopted in the 20th century, such as using a cluster of needles, electrified needles, or leaving needles inserted for up to a week, A ton of accentuation created on utilizing Acupuncture on the ear. Acupuncture also became the most popular alternative medicine in the US.
In 2010, UNESCO engraved "acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine" on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List following China's selection.
Why Acupuncture 2020?
The utility of acupuncture and alternative medicine is widespread as it is being used effectively as an integrated treatment with fewer side effects than western medicine and is a potential alternative to pain medications or treatment with steroids. This unique conference will offer a platform for Eastern medicine to meet with Western medicine and will bring together researchers and many more over the globe and shall serve as an opportunity to present and discuss recent trends and advances in acupuncture and alternative medicine that have the potential to strengthen the base for its integration in health care to modernize the art of acupuncture and alternative medicine.
Participants/ Key Audience
Acupuncturists | Acupuncture professors | Acupuncture practitioners | Herbal practitioners | Alternative Medicine practitioners | Therapists & Acupuncture counselors | Students and Young Researchers | Relevant Association and Societies | Business professionals across the globe | Naturopathy and Ayurvedic doctors | Psychiatrists | Healing Centers and Rehabilitation Houses | Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine Exhibitors across the globe
The Global Acupuncture Treatment Instrument Market Research Report provides a detailed market overview along with the analysis of industry’s gross margin, cost structure, consumption value and sale price. The key companies of the Global Acupuncture Treatment Instrument market, manufacturers, distributors along with the latest development trends and Forecasts are detailed in the Report.
In this report, the worldwide Acupuncture Treatment Instrument advertise is esteemed at USD XX million of every 2016 and is relied upon to reach USD XX million before the finish of 2022, developing at a CAGR of XX% somewhere in the range of 2016 and 2022.
Geographically, this report is portioned into a few key Regions, with generation, utilization, income (million USD), market share and growth rate of Acupuncture Treatment Instrument in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (figure), covering.
• North America
• Europe
• China
• Japan
• Southeast Asia
• India
Global Acupuncture Treatment Instrument market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players including
• Zepter
• Beijing Sunto
• Huahang Medical
• Wuxi Jiajian Medical
• Yangzhou Kaida Medical
• Changzhou Yingdi Electronic
• Jining Jiake Medical
• Dongguan South Star
Based on item, this report shows the production, income, price, market share and growth rate of each type, basically split into
• Multifunctional Device
• Single Function Device
On the premise on the end clients/applications, this report centers around the status and viewpoint for significant applications/end clients, consumption (sales), market share and growth rate of Acupuncture Treatment Instrument for every application, including
• Hospital
• Clinic
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