Title: Charting A Woman's Menstrual Cycle In Its Reproductive Cyclical Phase, Fertility Diagnosis by BBT
I am an Eternal student of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
After attending Chinese medicine schools in England, (International school of
Chinese medicine, Northern College of Acupuncture), I earned graduate and
postgraduate degrees in Acupuncture, focusing on fertility. An internship in
Traditional Chinese Medicine fertility clinic in England steeped me in the
reality of a fertility clinic. I have attempted to bring the best of this
medicine to a clinical practice in Israel, addressing the health care of
fertility patients, where I established my practice as a group practice in the
women medical centre in Tel Aviv.
I am a founder and Director of the Acupuncture Pregnancy,
and Acupuncture IVF Support clinic. My approach in the clinic integrates the
theory of two medical systems, Traditional Chinese medicine and modern western
medicine. Such an approach has arisen from the desire to meet the needs of my
patients in the west, use the medicine and technology of the west but also to
benefit from what an ancient but living tradition such as TCM can offer. I have
focused on the treatment of infertility with Chinese medicine for 25 years, and
have studied with some of Europe's most revered specialists. Out of the wisdom
and skill of expert clinicians in infertility clinics in China, and the
experience I have gained working with couples in the west and their fertility
specialists, I have been able to develop acupuncture treatments appropriate for
western patients having difficulty conceiving from a number of different
For many years I have worked closely with a team I have
carefully chosen to deliver expert care to couples trying to conceive. I have
constructed a purpose built manual and series of treatment guidance protocols
that are unique to the clinics. I monitored clinic consultations and patient
needs on a daily basis.
I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council. I have
presented at several international conferences and seminars to acupuncturists
and IVF specialists doctors.